Friday, October 25, 2013

Dogfish Head Immort Ale

Drunk fresh, this beer tastes like a shopping list. The ingredients on the label can be picked out and isolated. Laid down for a year (I'm drinking a 2012), the flavors meld into a smoky fusion, not unlike a Scotch whisky with maple syrup. Not that I condone doing that; you should drink this instead.

I'm not sure what it is I smell, but I think it's some kind of wood. I want to say juniper, but that would be kind of asinine to claim. Actually some of it is peat. To taste, there's more peat for sure, along with oak and vanilla. It drinks like a tawny barleywine (which I'm pretty sure it is).

It is with deep regret that I admit to having buried one of these along with a bottle of Olde School per the instructions on that bottle, in the backyard of my parents' house. I have never found it. My Mom, wonderful person that she is, spent hours searching long after I gave up, hoping to produce it as a gift for me for some holiday occasion. Either squirrels have absconded with it, or one day, when the plastic bag, glass bottle, and metal cap fail, forth shall spring a delicious, delicious tree.

Though I shall be dead and gone, yet this gives me some comfort.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Colorado - Part 15

Classism on Airlines

In light of line-skipping payola schemes and executive clubs, luxury in airports, the greatest equalizer of humanity since Samuel Colt's, fascinates me.

Ideas for value-added premium airline experiences:

Superimpose your millimeter-wave-scanned face onto the body of a more attractive naked person for security review.

Pay toilets, to add a European flair.

Seat upgrade option to a cabin in which no children are allowed.

For a fee, a passenger may bypass the ban on cellular phone use in flight. For a higher fee, another passenger may reinstate it.

Liquids are now allowed in carry-on baggage, but passengers are prohibited from carrying any solid objects.

No person trained in martial arts shall be allowed as a passenger. Their whole body is a weapon.

In the event of sudden cabin decompression, swipe Visa/Mastercard/Discover for an air mask, which are available for convenient purchase above your head. Please purchase your own mask before assisting others in purchasing theirs.