Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hair of the Dog Adam from the Wood (Rye)

Pours like oil. If carbonation is what you seek, it's time to re-adjust your expectations. Smells like a HotD barrel series beer, seriously oxidized and rich. Like Adam, but crossed with Madeira. To drink, you do get a bit of that rye edge, which is probably for the best because it comes across as kinda syrupy and could be too sweet otherwise. That's actually the main balancing force at play here. To be honest, I was hoping for something a little more mind-blowing fresh, but as for the other couple of bottles I bought of this, I'll either sit on em for a few years, or trade em. I'll have to try the bourbon version too, but word on the street was that rye is where it's at.

NB: These are not, to my knowledge actually labeled on the bottle as to which aging treatment they have received. The tint on the label background is dark green for rye, and maroon for bourbon.