Monday, March 10, 2014

Uinta Tinder

Those of you who know me will know I like smoky things, beers not excepted. Those of you who do not know me just got to know me a little better, right there.

This brew smells slightly harsh to my seasoned nose, which means it will probably smell incredibly smoky to anyone else. The body is nice though, light (almost corn-like) malt supports a smoke flavor that might otherwise be astringent. It's comparable to the Schlenkerla Märzen, I suppose. Granted, I prefer a bigger, heavier bodied rauch (a la New Holland Charkoota Rye) or one with a more mellow smoky flavor (a la Schlenkerla Eiche or Starr Hill Smoke Out). And couple making out on the label make me think that if there are two people in the world who are dating each other and both like this beer, they're destined to be together. Still, this is a success, and I like it more than I imagine I'd like that app the kids are using nowadays. That is to say, I'd 'swipe left' on this one. Or right. Whichever one means I get to keep it and drink it.

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