Monday, October 20, 2014

Oregon Trail - High Divide Double Blonde

Big estery nose like peaches and cream. I used an Aventinus glass because, strangely enough, it was the one that was handy. Shows off a lovely gradient of amber to gold and a thick, persistent head.

One sip of this and I'm a believer. Pete wasn't yanking my chain at all. This is a singularly great beer. What the hell does 'double blond' mean anyway? It was only Pete's note and the crazy wax dipping that made me take note. It's brewed with "honey malt, fresh Wenatchee peaches and cherries, then aged in white wine barrels for four months." And that sounds kinda like a crapshoot—a high-risk, high-yield operation for sure since cherry is a notoriously difficult flavor and peach is hardly ever even attempted.

So the flavor is mostly peach. Cherry is there if you look, subtle, but it works together, I promise. The wine barreling ties it all together with a nice little off-dry bow on top. Dangerously drinkable, dangerously interesting; each sip demands another and in spite of the relatively high alcohol content (and relatively high price), I could drink this all night.

And given that I'm alone in this here hotel room, I think that's exactly what I'm going to do.

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