Friday, March 6, 2015

Woodland Empire Crispy Apple Turnover

I bought this at Beer Mongers late into (yet not at the end of) an evening of attempting to keep pace with my one-time beer mentor, fulfilling my role as Portland tour guide over an epic few nights of bar hopping.

I'm not sure why exactly I lighted on this one, but I'm glad I did. Probably because of the word "Crispy," which is irresistible to drunk people, and arguably impossible for a beer to be (though 'crisp' is another matter). The beer itself, while made with apples, doesn't beat you over the head with them, and the finish, surprisingly, is a sort of caramel that turns into... flaky pastry flavor? Like a croissant? The name seems pretty apt really, and the really special part is that even though it's slightly warming at 10% (you would not know this, to taste it), it doesn't linger or coat your palate. It's pretty good. Smell wise, I guess it could smell more appley. And taste-wise too. Why are they called Apple Jacks if they don't taste like apple? It also has an aspect of 'generic strong beer' that I could do without.

The label is cool too. A dog with ram horns, a Dungeons and Dragons d20, and a sword with elvish on it. I guess ultimately I could take or leave this beer, but it's decent, so if you think you might like it, I'm not gonna say you nay.

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