It's quite heady, with powerful, even bitter malt and some hop presence too. Do yourself a giant favor and take the thing out of the fridge first. Drinking it cold kills it—it starts to taste good around 62°F to my meat thermometer, which also probably makes it taste slightly more like chicken strips.
It is at these temperatures that the chocolate, mallow root, and other fun flavors show themselves. Like a naked guy coming in from a blizzard, the flavor in this one is a grower, not a shower. The bitterness really subsides, and I'm left with the impression that if aged, this would get real leathery and even more delicious. If I find myself in a beer store with some extra coin, and if my new apartment has somewhere appropriate to store it, I'll get another.
I love the bottle on this. Fun disco font on the back, and these little white discs on the front. What are they? A venn diagram?
Nope, they're little eyes! Too cute. There's actually black printing on the brown bottle (which is impossible to see when it's full of dark beer), but once you empty it, it's staring back at you!
Anyway, this is a winner. I'd keep the bottle too, if I had space. A bit expensive, but worth it, and I'd save it away for a year or five for best results.
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