Sunday, November 3, 2013

Saucony Creek Captain Pumpkin's Maple Mistress

No lie, a beer with packaging like this does not inspire confidence, per se, but the disproportionate blue-haired cartoon pirate wench is not altogether uninspiring, if that's not too much entendre for this particular blog.

Hazy amber-brown with some floaters. A fine white head that dissipates in relative haste.

It smells of rich brown sugar with a hint of the promised butternut squash and a bit of maple and spice. Real maple, not 'breakfast syrup', so it's restrained as to not be too intense.

Tastes like rich maple, butternut squash, and some pie-spice/pumpkin. Funny that they get the 'pumpkin
 vibe with a different gourd, but whatever works. Definitely on the sweet side, but spicy enough not to be syrupy. This flavor portends its higher ABV, but makes it dangerously drinkable.

Thick (and there's some serious sediment, so not for the faint of heart) feeling and rich, appropriate for this style as far as I'm concerned. You'll want a glass of water though, as it lingers a bit and can be overwhelming especially if you are thirsty or dehydrated to begin with, as I am.

I bought this on a whim for novelty value because it wasn't too expensive. I found it so good that it's one of the few pumpkin beers I liked so much, I'd buy again (not that I dislike pumpkin beers, but I've had so many that they hardly ever stand out).