Thursday, February 12, 2015

Deschutes - Black Butte XXVI

This is how some of my reviews look before I type them up. In the interest of illegibility and poor search-engine optimization, I have presented this in its original formatting:

Seems Deschutes is about the same age I am. Had this on draft and it was still pretty rough, but I'm optimistic for it in months/years to come.

Burnside Brewing Sweet Heat

Smells like apricot and tastes like it too, but punctuated with a ton of carbonation and some serious, lingering spicy heat. Apart from that, it's a kinda watery, fizzy wheat beer (I believe it says it's a wheat beer). You would have to like apricot to enjoy this, as well as spicy food. I don't really enjoy either, so my enjoyment is hindered, but it's decent nonetheless. Certainly a good price, and a lot of flavor for not too high of an ABV, so it's got that going for it too. Pair this one with chicken wings or something... I'm sure someone has come up with a better food paring than that, but I can't think of one. Weird label on this one, or rather a weird mascot for Burnside—looks like some kind of succubus or sphinx or something holding a pitcher.